Saturday, May 21, 2016


Hello everybody! I know it's been a very long time since I posted, but from now on I will go back to my weekly schedule (keep in mind, I sometimes will have to pass since tests but it's almost holiday again so I think that will only happen once.

I went through a reading slump *shame*, for about 3 months, I didn't read or write, but about a month ago I decided to pick up a book ago and now I'm here (it was the 2nd book in the Iron Fey: Call Of The Forgotten series). 

THE REVIEW FOR EMERALD GREEN IS COMING OUT TOO (When I've posted this post). I read it in December, but also wrote the review during that time, so it's not like I just made it because I've forgotten a lot tbh)

Thankyou for reading my blog! I know it's not the best but keep in mind I am 14 and English is not my first language. 

See you again soon!

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