Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Shatter Me: Ignite Me - Tahereh Mafi

With Omega Point destroyed, Juliette doesn't know if the rebels, her friends, or even Adam are alive. But that won't keep her from trying to take down The Reestablishment once and for all. Now she must rely on Warner, the handsome commander of Sector 45. The one person she never thought she could trust. The same person who saved her life. He promises to help Juliette master her powers and save their dying world . . . but that's not all he wants with her.

What a beautiful cover. This is -in my opinion- the best cover in the series. There's so many details. When you look closely, you can see a raven in the pupil. The blue made it really powerful, and the font fits the Dytsopian theme.

Juliette Ferrars 
Man, wow, that growth. In the first 2 books she was a pathetic, weak, shy girl needing love. But damn, after this book I was convinced she's not anymore. She was finally ready to make her own decisions, and to fight. She wanted revenge, and oh she got it. She starting using her powers, and learned how to control it. She's not afraid of anything anymore. It was really weird to read, like she was an entirely different person. I LOVED IT. I have a thing for badass female characters, and the weak ones who cry all day don't really catch my attention.

Warner a.k.a fuck yEs?
Oh my, HOW DO I LOVE WARNER. I know I've said before that I was team Adam, but like, Warner? WARNER. That stupid wrench I despised, was actually my favorite person  ever. Because you see everything in Juliette's perspective, she made everyone think he was an asshole, but when she got to know him and because he saved her, she slowly realised he was different, and wasn't behind all the things she thought he did. You won't believe me when I tell you this, but one day, you'll be completely and utterly IN LOVE WITH WARNER, and Team Adam? Not anymore.

Kenji's humor
Kenji's humor was probably the second best thing about this book (with Warner+Juliette being first), his relationship with Juliette really warms my heart. While it's not at all romantic, there's something about it that makes them so close, maybe even closer than she is to Warner. Kenji and his stupid jokes make it even better. I never knew a Dystopian could actually make me laugh.

Adam Kent is a stupid asshole
Adam needs to get a hold of himself. Even after Juliette broke up with him, he still tried to get her back, and in a not-so-right way too. He said things to her he should never have said. And while Kenji was there to back her up, he still needed to get some sense in his head. 
He'll do everything for James, his little brother, even losing his pride. That is literally the only thing I still liked about him.

Intimate scenes 
Wow, so passionate, they actually made me blush. The way Warner kissed and made sexual jokes and such kind of made me really uncomfortable,  especially after that one part (people who have read the book will know EXACTLY what I'm talking about)., but I also liked it (if I can confess that whoOps). It was like a pure heavy romance. And while it was cheesy, it was also really wonderful to read. These romances rarely happen in real life, that's why this book made me so happy. If you're not a big fan of all this cheesiness though, I don't think this is something for you.

Hate to break it to you, this book series doesn't have many action until the end of the books. The first 300 pages were them preparing for the fight, and a lot of romance. It was not at all boring though. I read this book in two days. Probably the fastest I've ever read a book. Some people will hate this book for it's romance, but I really loved it. There hasn't been many action in this book series, apart from the climax. This climax was the best. The way she managed to stay strong through all those things. The ending was really powerful I almost cried cause this is the last book.

In my opinion, this is the best book in the series, the first book being the runner-up. It was so nice to read (come on, 400 pages in two days?). I recommend this book series so much. While they're not that underrated, many people don't know about it. I'm so glad I picked this book series up cause they gave me so much joy. I'm really sad there isn't another book, but I'll definitely read some more books of Tahereh Mafi. 5/5 stars *fangirls*


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