Thursday, March 2, 2017

Silber, Dream A Little Dream - Kerstin Gier

Mysterious doors with lizard-head knobs. Talking stone statues. A crazy girl with a hatchet. Yes, Liv's dreams have been pretty weird lately. Especially the one where she's in a graveyard at night, watching four boys conduct dark magic rituals.

The strangest part is that Liv recognizes the boys in her dream. They're classmates from her new school in London, the school where she's starting over because her mom has moved them to a new country (again). But what's really scaring Liv is that the dream boys seem to know things about her in real life, things they couldn't possibly know--unless they actually are in her dreams? Luckily, Liv never could resist a good mystery, and all four of those boys are pretty cute....

The Dutch cover is pretty cool. It's not that beautiful, but has some nice references to the book (which you'll find out by reading the book). I think it's Liv on the front, trying to find her door. The key is probably a sign to what happens at the end of the book, but I'm not entirely sure.

Liv Silber
Liv didn't really catch my attention. She was reasonable, sarcastic and easily caught of guard. While sarcasm is all my thing and I liked it on her, I couldn't really see myself in her. She wasn't one of those boy-obsessed girls, until she found Henry. She was a little awkward, that being one of the things I liked about her. I don't know why I feel nothing special with her. She's a great character, but is not the best in the book. Because this is the first book, I forgive her, but I hope she'll become more badass later on in the trilogy.

Henry was not the best male character in this book. In fact, when I found out he was falling in love with Liv, I didn't even want it. To be honest, I like her with Grayson more. It might sound weird, but I have a feeling she's not going to end up with him, definitely considering Grayson's girlfriend Emily is not at all romantic. He has some secrets he won't tell anyone. As long as he doesn't tell Liv about those, I'll not trust him. Trusting certain characters in a book, and definitely in a book like this, needs to be done slowly. I hope he reveals his secrets in the next book.

Liv's Family
Because Liv is pretty sarcastic and her sister Mia is also, it was great to see a sister-relationship in the book. I'm not that close with my sister, so reading about siblings is always nice. Liv and Mia look out for each other, and tell each other stories about their days. Their mother doesn't look after them all too well, and is really loose with her curfew and that kind of stuff with them, but was still a great mom. Florence gradually turned into a real sibling, and Grayson was also trying his best. I believe Liv's mom (Ann) getting together with Grayson's/Florence's dad (Ernest) really made them happier. Lottie, her nanny, was just right. She was there to fill the gaps Ann had made, and Liv and Mia were also really close to her. Cause Lottie's German, you also learn some more about Germany. I'm learning German in school atm, so it was so funny to recognise words. Lottie stands up for what she believes, and is also a wreck when it comes to men.

There were so many secrets in this book still needing to be revealed. Apart from Henry's secrets about his family and past, there is also this sort of Gossip Girl, Secrecy,  knowing all of the school's student's secrets. I might have a clue about who she/he is, but with Kerstin you can never be sure. I love these secrets, cause because of these I'm looking forward to reading the next. All this demon talk and a girl being psychotic was also really interesting and kept it a nice read.

Storyline/book itself
There wasn't many action in this book. Even though I love Kerstin's writing, I didn't feel like it was that special. I liked reading it and I'll start reading book 2 soon, but it's not my favorite book ever, while Ruby Red definitely was. I expected more, and maybe I shouldn't have. The ending, however, was a little unexpected, but it didn't blow me over. I hope I'll start to like this series more by the second book, since I think the idea about dreams is amazing. The male character wasn't that strong, I didn't really fall in love with him. Kerstin's amazing writing skills were still there, but just not as strong as in here previous books.

Overall I have mixed emotions about this. I'm looking forward to book 2 at least. I liked it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I feel so bad right now, but I'm giving it 3.5/5 stars. Please know that this is just my opinion, and you don't have to agree with it.

Title: Silber (German/Dutch title)/Dream A Little Dream (English title)
Author: Kerstin Gier
Series: Silber (book 1)
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
Price (Paperback): $6,60
Pages (Hardcover): 336


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