Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Silber 3 - Kerstin Gier

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor silber 3Afbeeldingsresultaat voor silber 3

Liv Silber has three problems. One: she has lied to Henry. Two: her dream adventures are becoming more dangerous. Three: Liv's mother and Grayson's father want to marry in the summer. While Arthur has unraveled the secrets of the dream world and thus can do irreparable damage, Anabel is currently also trying to make their lives horrible. But what can they actually do? Liv must put a stop to their action and meanwhile try to not lose her boyfriend.

{note: I didn't read the entire book, this review contains strong language. This is actually not a full review, but also a way to show why I'm always taking a hiatus.. because of books like this one.}

Love the German cover with this book. The Dutch one is aesthetically pleasing as well. I saw another Dutch cover today, and I loved that one too. The covers for these book series were really good, that's one thing.

Liv the Virgin
God, she was so immature again. I really do not like her. She was so childish, so goddamn childish. I prefer myself a main character with whom I can grow, if you get what I mean, coming-of-age characters, but Liv is definitely not one of them. She whines a lot, is so insecure that it makes me want to kick her ass, I disliked her so much.
Her humour, however, is the only really good thing about her, but I couldn't find much of that in this book, which was sad.

Henry the Naive Shit
I've never liked Henry. I always preferred Grayson. I still can't see why Kerstin chose to pair Liv up with him. He doesn't have much appeal (like Ruby Red's Gideon), he was just, average? I also really didn't see how he couldn't have noticed that Liv was still a virgin. She was so awkward about it (a bit of awkward is understandable, but this was too much), she didn't want to talk about it and she literally pretended like she had sex with a boy who was actually a fucking dog, sorry for my language. The rest of their relationship was cute though.

When I was about 170 pages in, I realised that this just wasn't going to work. This book got me in such a reading slump and I just decided to read the last 50 pages and just give it back to my library. I still wanted to make a 'review' for this because I really needed to let my frustration loose. I do not recommend starting these series. They're honestly just not that exciting. I love Kerstin Gier, don't get me wrong, I've read Ruby Red and I want to read more of her, this is just not a book for me.
Needless to say, I think I'll give the book about 1,5/5 stars. It's completely acceptable for you to not agree with my opinion, but please respect it. I really wanted to love this book, I just couldn't.

(I'm reading 'An Abundance of Katherines' now ! I'm out of my reading slump and I'm back !)

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