Sunday, October 2, 2016

Silber 2: Dream On - Kerstin Gier

18161523Afbeeldingsresultaat voor silber 2 nederlands

Things seem to be going well for Liv Silver: she’s adjusting to her new home in London; she has a burgeoning romance with Henry Harper, one of the cutest boys in school; and the girl who’s been turning her dreams into nightmares, Anabel, is now locked up. But serenity doesn’t last for long.

It seems that Liv’s troubles are far from over—in fact, suddenly they’re piling up. School gossip blogger Secrecy knows all of Liv’s most intimate secrets, Henry might be hiding something from her, and at night Liv senses a dark presence following her through the corridors of the dream world. Does someone have a score to settle with Liv?

I thought the cover didn't have many relations to the book. Apart from that, it is a very beautiful cover and it's pleasing to see the blue. The font is nice to see as well. The German cover, however, is so pretty! If I were fluent in German (which I'm hoping to be in  few years :)), Kerstin's books would definitely be the author I would buy my books from!

Liv, grown up?
I don't remember how I'd described her in the first book, but I've started to like her so much more! Kerstin was able to write her so well this time, and because there were more dangerous/exciting things happening in this sequel, you could see her when ready for a 'fight'.Her love for her sister is so big and it really melted my heart. She is very protective of people she loves, and it's so nice to read about such a bond. Liv was way less dumb in this book, I feel like she's grown up a bit, she now knows more about dream walking, which makes her less of a newbie at it and because of this it's way less boring to read.

I've always said it, Henry doesn't do it for me. I'm really hoping Liv sees she cannot trust him. There's just this thing about him that makes me feel anxious, like he is secretly a spy or something. Something I was happy about though, was that they showed some background on him. I got to know more about his family (after Liv trying to push him to tell). Liv needing to literally pull these secrets out of him was really weird, weren't they in a relationship? Don't you tell people about your family when you're in a RELATIONSHIP?

Oh, great. Spoiler warning: what a backstabbing bitch. Seriously? Who does he think he is? There is something mentally wrong him with him. He tries to kill Liv's sister (Mia) just because she freaking hit him? What the hell even is that reason? He makes me so mad, but I'm excited to see what's going to happen to him. He got hit by Grayson, so that kind of mends my mind a little.

Throughout the book, I got the feeling the whole book was about her. Which I was very happy about actually. It was about time after being a poor side-character in the last book. I believe she's 12/13? I love sisterly bonds in books, it reminds me of the fact that I've always wanted such a bond with my own sister. 
Having Mia sleepwalk in this book felt like such a creative idea to me. Like, dream walking, but there's sleep walking as well? I also appreciated them showing more of 'controlling people's dreams' in this book. This book was so much better than the original.

During the ending I had a few thoughts. They talked about Secrecy a little and kind of said who it was, but it still wasn't clear to me. Is **** really Secrecy? Does **** just work for Secrecy? 
Also, THAT LITTLE PLOTTWIST! I was not even surprised by it. How would **** been able to know that otherwise? 
Anabel's infamous line again: 'It's only just beginning', made me feel so many things. I'm so excited to read the final book!

This book definitely didn't disappoint me! I thought it was way better than the first actually. I hope the 3rd can be even better! 3,5/5 stars from me! In this book I recognised the Kerstin Gier writing style again and I loved it! Not regretting starting this series at all.

Title: Dream On
Author: Kerstin Gier
Series: Silber (book 2)

(I know I've not been on schedule lately, but I'm stressing so much over school. Please understand)
(please excuse the lay-out, Blogger hates me)

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