Saturday, April 8, 2017

Erebos - Ursula Poznanski

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor erebos book7748743

When 16-year-old Nick receives a package containing the mysterious computer game Erebos, he wonders if it will explain the behavior of his classmates, who have been secretive lately. Players of the game must obey strict rules: always play alone, never talk about the game, and never tell anyone your nickname. 

Curious, Nick joins the game and quickly becomes addicted. But Erebos knows a lot about the players and begins to manipulate their lives. When it sends Nick on a deadly assignment, he refuses and is banished from the game. 

Now unable to play, Nick turns to a friend for help in finding out who controls the game. The two set off on a dangerous mission in which the border between reality and the virtual world begins to blur.

I was not displeased by this cover. It gave off a very adult-vibe and it fitted the concept of this book really well. The game 'watches' you, hence the eye. It definitely wasn't the most beautiful cover I've ever seen, but it really fits the book and that is great.

Nick Dunmore 
Eh. I don't know how to feel about him. On one hand, it was nice to have a male lead for a change. But on the other hand, what on earth was he doing sometimes? I couldn't believe how naïve he was. Like, 'Oh, the game knows my full name, that's not weird at all!' I would have contacted someone right away, no matter how strict the rules are. Also, he was a creepy stalker. He could only look at Emily from a distance, and he went to her DeviantArt page daily (her username he got by eavesdropping). Overall, I just had mixed feelings about this character. He did all of the things stated above, but he could also be reasonable and relatable. I don't know. 

Emily Carver
I know that she was supposed to be a main character, but I couldn't really see that. She only got really involved in the story in the last 150 pages of the book. I also didn't really like Nick and Emily together. Whileas Emily was sweet and I definitely didn't dislike her, I just didn't think she was interesting.

There were obviously more characters other than Nick and Emily, but they are so unimportant. I really wished that Poznanski focused more on the other characters, cause apart from Brynne, no one meant much to me.

The game and it's purpose
Ooh I loved this. I saw people who were disappointed by the fact that there was nothing supernatural involved, but I loved that. When the secrets got revealed, it was just amazing. I loved how they had done everything. The purpose of Erebos was just interesting and that little plot twist was great.

In my opinion, even though the storyline was reasonable and I didn't get bored that often, I feel like the book would have been better if it was a little less long. Many things that happened could have been sped up or even been left out. I did enjoy reading this book and I don't regret it at all, it was great, I just don't think I like the author's writing style that much. She writes beautifully, but I am not that involved in the genre she writes about. This book was still better than Saeculum, so I'd probably give it 3,5/5 stars.

I have been reading so much lately. I honestly love it. I read two books this week.

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