Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Selection: The One - Kiera Cass

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor the selection the oneAfbeeldingsresultaat voor de selectie de one

The time has come for one winner to be crowned.

When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants.

I can't get over the beauty of these series covers. They're just so gorgeous. I literally stroked the book because it was so beautiful. I can't wait to read the sequels with her daughter, so I can have those beauties in my hands as well.

America being herself again
Ah, yes, ol' sweet America being her indecisive self again. When have I seen this before? Right, yes, in EVERY book she's in. And when this girl finally makes up her mind, she doesn't act out on it because it 'isn't the right time'. Are you serious here? Couldn't you have just told him when you had the chance and not lead your ex-boyfriend on? In my opinion, she was a little bit too full of herself. One minute I loved her, and then she had to ruin everything again by being the rebellious person she is. However, despite all this, I still loved her. I don't know how Cass did it, but it was definitely good. 

Maxon Shreave, how did he do it
How could Maxon keep up with America's behaviour? I mean, I agreed with most of the things America did, but she didn't listen. I would have send her away. Then again, he loved her, and I guess his love was stronger than his anger. 
That just proves how much of a sweetheart he is. He accepts everyone in their own way and he doesn't want to offend anyone, but he will also do what is right. However, sometimes he was a bit of a slut. I mean, he knows that he loves America and he wants a future with her, but leads Kriss on in case America backs out last-minute. Then again, America still let Aspen on even after she realized she had loved Maxon, so they're a perfect fit.

The other remaining Selection-girls
Wow, there was a lot of character development going on here. Celeste may not annoy you so much in this book, instead, I actually thought she was sweet. I loved how we got to know more about Elise as well, cause she is always so quiet. Turns out, Elise has an entire story of her own. I just wish that there were novellas from her point of view. 
Kriss is entire different story. While I enjoyed her sudden "secret reveal" and I do really think that she is sweet, I had my troubles trusting her. In the end, I realized that I had nothing to worry about, but in my opinion, she was the least interesting of the remaining Selection-girls. She was just there as a second choice.

The rebellion(s)
Absolutely loved this add. I loved every little thing about this. They weren't that predictable either. I loved the development Cass decided to give them and how we started to know North and South and how to differentiate them. I also love how this book was still mostly about America's love for Maxon, and it wasn't a dystopian (I just don't have a thing for dystopia). In the earlier books, the castle attacks weren't that horrible just yet, but in this book, and trust me, they were. Not going to say more about that though, spoilers :(.

The Ending.
Rip my heart, I am still not over that one. Why? (I am trying my best not to spoiler anything here) Anyways, I feel like the ending was still amazing, despite the sadness of it. I am thinking of reading the novellas because they seem interesting to me, but I am definitely, without a doubt reading the "spin-off" ones with her daughter. The Selection books are amazing, even with an annoying main character. I literally flew through this book and I read it in 2 days (with school!). I highly recommend this series, I am so in love with them, even though I am slightly embarrassed about that. 5/5 stars, I think might even be my favourite Selection-book.

(I am going through books really fastly these days. Love it.
Expect two Percy Jackson reviews and two Harry Potter reviews soon!)

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