Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Selection 5: The Crown - Kiera Cass

26074181Afbeeldingsresultaat voor de kroon kiera cass

When Eadlyn became the first princess of IllĂ©a to hold her own Selection, she didn’t think she would fall in love with any of her thirty-five suitors. She spent the first few weeks of the competition counting down the days until she could send them all home. But as events at the palace force Eadlyn even further into the spotlight, she realizes that she might not be content remaining alone.

Eadlyn still isn’t sure she’ll find the fairytale ending her parents did twenty years ago. But sometimes the heart has a way of surprising you…and soon Eadlyn must make a choice that feels more impossible—and more important—than she ever imagined.

I know that I used to say that I love all of these covers. And while the cover was indeed pretty, it wasn't as pretty as former ones. I felt like it was too pink? The background also didn't quite fit the dress.

Eadlyn Shreave changed?
Over the course of these two books, I feel like Eadlyn really found herself. She was actually bearable in this book! She started to see things from another perspective, and she didn't bother me as much as she did in The Heir. For example, she offered Josie (Kile's sister, who wants to be just like her but is a bit rude in the process) a chance to feel like a princess and she accepted the fact that her brother found a wife in France. However, this was such a big chance that I didn't quite buy it. Yeah, suddenly she was able to be nice? Was it because of her mother's condition or was it because she is a queen now? 

The Elite

What I also didn't buy, was her relationship with the one she was in love with. It was so incredibly rushed and it just felt wrong. There was no real build-up, so we didn't get the time to like him.
I really loved Henri, he seemed like such a sweetheart, but because of the language barrier, I didn't think that they would work. Eadlyn had a lot of chemistry with Kile, but his dreams lay elsewhere. Ean and Eadlyn had absolutely no chemistry, and without spoilering anything, because of his personal reasons Eadlyn wouldn't end up with Hale. So yes, I could have expected it, but I really, really don't like the guy she ended up with.

The Ending.
Oh no, just no. This ending was horrible, there was no logic and it was all so incredibly rushed. I really felt Kiera Cass was just trying to tie up loose ends. The ending make sense either, because Eadlyn was making this huge (political) decision all on her own. She didn't discuss it with her parents or ministers or whatever. The secret-reveal from Maxon was also really predictable. I liked that Eadlyn was finally getting to know more about her parents' pasts, but it didn't make sense to me for Maxon to tell her all this, right before she had to go on stage and choose her prince. Maybe Eadlyn could have just not chosen anyone and set an example, it would have been really cool. But again, I have made peace with this book, but these 2 books were so unnecessary....

I have no idea how to rate this. I liked it more than I liked The Heir, yes, but it still wasn't very good. Although I am going to read The Siren (Kiera's other book) one day, I am not re-reading the Selection anytime soon. I'm actually glad that it's over. 3,5/5 stars.


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