10 Bookish Facts About Me - Dominique's Booklife
Hello everyone! I know that I haven't posted a booklife in about a year, but I figured that it was time for me to do something more with this blog than just posting reviews. I was surfing on the net when I found some other book blogs and I saw this idea coming up, and I thought that I should do it as well. So here is it, 10 bookish facts about me. Enjoy, because while I know not many of you would read something personal, I certainly enjoy making booklifes.
Hello everyone! I know that I haven't posted a booklife in about a year, but I figured that it was time for me to do something more with this blog than just posting reviews. I was surfing on the net when I found some other book blogs and I saw this idea coming up, and I thought that I should do it as well. So here is it, 10 bookish facts about me. Enjoy, because while I know not many of you would read something personal, I certainly enjoy making booklifes.
1. I started reading Young Adult books at the age of 12 I was 12 when I first picked up a Twilight book. Yes, Twilight. I watched the movie when I was 10 and I was instantly addicted to Fantasy.
2. I got addicted to YA books because of The Iron Fey this series is one of the most amazing series that I have ever read. I couldn't get enough of them and I absolutely love the vibe the books give off. My heart still makes a leap whenever I think about them.
3. My favourite book series right now is Vampire Academy maybe some of you already know this but I couldn't get enough of Vampire Academy. I am in love with both Dimitri Belikov and Rose Hathaway. The series is just such a bundle of perfection and I would recommend it to everyone.
4. I almost never finish a book in one day I just can't do it. I need to get into it and the only way I can really enjoy a book is if I read it in multiple days. Because of this, I can still remember what happens in which book (of the series).
5. I have never finished a book in one sitting how do people do this? It might be an ADHD-thing, but don't you get distracted? How are you so focused? How do you not get hungry? How does your bladder not act up?
6. I get a lot of reading slumps these are the actual worst. I remember than I once read 2 books in 5 months... Think of all the cool books I could have read in that time!
7. 2 books a week is an achievement for me it's been happening a lot lately, which is awesome. But it's a bit sad that I have less time for my favourite tv show (Glee).
8. I have so many books (series) to read that it actually stresses me out, I wish I could read them all.
9. I like it when books are diverse. As a white bisexual woman, I like it when there is homosexuality in a book. A book must have people with different skin colours as well. Even Fantasy books, because there are so many people who cannot identify with a lot of characters. Same goes for body types.
10. I cannot read for school, this is horrible because every time we have to read a book for school I get a massive reading slump. I just really don't like the book or something? I don't know.
Thank you for reading a little bit about me!